Mariateresa Z. Marsi, Ph.D

Brand Consultant


My first memory of snow dates back to when I was about three years old.
Those were the days before Christmas, and a heavy snowfall enveloped everything.
I was enchanted. I smelled it and tried to eat it. It was not sugar as I thought.
Smelling everything seems to be one of my favorite activities as a child. Because everything has a smell.
I have always loved the fragrances. For an affective fact. I had a very lovely grandmother whose good taste was unquestionable.
I owe to her my passion for fragrances and beauty products.
Over the time, I have cultivated it by reading and studying on specialized texts.
Many years later, I graduated in Clinical Psychology at the University of Padua. With a dissertation on olfaction.
I obtained two specializations, one in hypnosis. I made the clinical for many years.
Three years ago I decided to give space, professionally speaking also on those creative parts so alive in me, deep and graceful.
I started working on branding of luxury products, from high-end liquor to fragrances.
Currently I am working on branding for a brand of skincare. I am excited about what I do, I try to go further, to research and study.
I developed my own method, called PSYCHOBRANDING (R) that combines the expertise gained in many years of activity in psychology with an approach of Total Branding in which the universe built around the brand is valued and experienced by customer.
I believe in an ethical branding, deeply respectful in what it says and what it does. An emotional branding, offering the customer a unique experience. Even multisensory.
In fact, the Sensory Branding is an essential part of my method.
I believe in branding in which a brand wears its best dress and offers itself to the world with a certain elegance.

Nowadays branding is an exciting challenge and it is costantly changing shape.
Branding is not marketing.
Branding is not all about press releases or in starting paper or television advertising campaigns.
Branding is not collection forecasts or budgets to be allocated to various forms of advertising.
Branding does not mean to launch a product or a company.
Branding means to design the product or the company and make them unique.
Success is just a natural consequence. And everything else, of course. Invoiced included.
I deeply love this work, which is first and foremost conceptual.
The point is not to put a good product on the market but offer customers an extraordinary experience.
I have a psychological background, I think I know pretty well how people think and what people want from a product, especially if it is a niche one.
I developed a method that I have called Psychobranding (R).
It integrates aspects and psychological knowledge with those on the latest generation of branding.
In particular I find that the use of Sensory Branding is one of the most effective ways that a company has to offer a high value product and the created universe around it.
Such an experience is a plus value that attentive customer proves to appreciate.

Mariateresa Z. Marsi

Mariateresa Z. Marsi - mobile: +39 331 2996202 - email: - VAT IT03364180962